LawProse Lesson 365: The James Bond Theme

LawProse Lesson 365: The James Bond Theme

At LawProse, we’ve long stressed the capital importance of openers. We’ve likened the first paragraph of a brief—a good one, anyway—to the fanfare in a Sousa march. It announces the song.

The point was reinforced recently in a BBC interview with the composer Monty Norman, who wrote the memorable theme song for the James Bond movies. He was asked why his music has lasted through all the films. “I can’t even answer that,” he responded. “But the point is that with any major theme, it’s the first four bars that matter.”

You can hum the first four bars of the James Bond theme right now. Try it, and think how its catchiness might be analogous to effective persuasion. It’s catchy, not cacophonous.

Live seminars this year with Professor Bryan A. Garner: Advanced Legal Writing & Editing

Attend the most popular CLE seminar of all time. More than 215,000 people—including lawyers, judges, law clerks, and paralegals—have benefited since the early 1990s. You'll learn the keys to professional writing and acquire no-nonsense techniques to make your letters, memos, and briefs more powerful.

You'll also learn what doesn't work and why—know-how gathered through Professor Garner's unique experience in training lawyers at the country's top law firms, state and federal courts, government agencies, and Fortune 500 companies.

Professor Garner gives you the keys to make the most of your writing aptitude—in letters, memos, briefs, and more. The seminar covers five essential skills for persuasive writing:

  • framing issues that arrest the readers' attention;
  • cutting wordiness that wastes readers' time;
  • using transitions deftly to make your argument flow;
  • quoting authority more effectively; and
  • tackling your writing projects more efficiently.

He teaches dozens of techniques that make a big difference. Most important, he shows you what doesn't work—and why—and how to cultivate skillfulness.

Register to reserve your spot today.

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